There is quite a bit of excitement here at Wolf Creek Indian Village. We are rebuilding the village and “growing poles”. Much research and thought has been put into how to rebuild the village. In honesty no one can know exactly how the village was built by the inhabitants 500 years ago. All we have is the remainder of post holes in the ground. This gives us the size and the shape on the ground but so many questions arise as to how they were built above ground.
Were any of the posts rehabilitative? Possibly but it was thought this village was not occupied very long to need many replacement posts. Which ones were angled to give us an impression of being a wigwam? How tall would they be? With all the experts, and all the study in the world can really only give us a dim view. In the interest of creating a village in the modern day as true as we can to the site we have decided because of the size of some of the structures to err on the side of caution. To create a more sturdy structure. We are creating post & beam round houses for those over 18’ in diameter. Those under 18’ will be wigwam structures.
Regardless of any debate, we decided our structures will be true to the site map. Where they put a post, and it’s marked on the site map, we put a post. Even if we don’t know why that post existed. The goal is six structures framed before winter. Our first goal was to build what is called feature #32. The largest structure found on the original site. It is 25.8 feet in diameter. The poles are in place for the walls and the features found inside stated on the site map have been recreated for this structure.
The fire pit was oval, which would allow for a longer log to be burnt.
There was a small bell shaped pit near the regular fire pit with charred stones and charcoal in it.
And a storage pit lined with stones.
The whole feel of the new structure is different and it’s wonderful. We are learning so much just from this experience. It is as if the ancients are teaching us a better way to build just by using the site map.
These flags mark the posts as indicated on the original archeological site map of other structures waiting to be built.
Once our frames are up then of course the coverings will have to be acquired. The plans for the post & beam round houses eventually are for reed coverings on the bottom outside walls, flexi bark (a material that looks just like bark) for the roof and a woven pattern matting similar to a piece of matting known to be made by Eastern Woodland Indians for the inside walls. The coverings of course will depend upon funding availability.
A nice picture of the creek.